Exercises – which keeps you healthy
Exercise is the amazing way to live great and healthier life. Since it helps to de-stress, you are happy and relaxed. There are number of exercise that can benefit you in different ways. You need to perform the combination of exercises to improve your overall body...
6 ways to Lower Heart Rate
There can be many reasons for increased heart rate it can be due to excessive physical strain and due to stress, tension and depression. Thus, to know your correct heart rate, you need to measure when you are resting. The healthy heart rate for adult at the resting...
Do you know your Optimal Heart Rate?
It is always recommended to know you heart rate or pulse. It is not necessary that athletes, old people and people suffering with diseases should track their heart beat. In my opinion everyone should atleast know few facts about the heart rate and also their heart...
Are you working out in your optimal Heart Rate Zone?
It’s a debate whether it is required to measure heart rate during workout or not. Though it is necessary for those who are working out under medical supervision but not for others. However, it is important to know your maximum heart rate zone, target zone and optimal...
8 highly effective exercises to lose Weight
It is the dream of everyone to be slim and look amazing. No one wants to be fat. There are two ways of losing weight. 1. To eat properly 2. To Exercise. Here we are going to talk about few exercises which help you to lose weight: Walking: This is the most simple and...
Physical Exercise – Its Benefits
With the current lifestyle we have, we are prone to more diseases than compared to our previous generation. No proper time to sleep, skipping breakfast, eating all high calorie food and above all no exercise. People give very casual answer for not exercising i.e.,...