Withings Wireless Blood Pressure Monitor (BP 801) Review
Withings blood pressure monitor is not just another monitor available in the market. It is very different because it does not come with a monitor. It just have cuff. In this device your smart phone becomes the monitor. This device is very handy, stylish and a symbol of innovation. It is unique and highly sophisticated.
People, who are high on technology and want everything on their phones, should take a good look on Withings.
Withings Blood Pressure Monitor is high on accuracy with automatic wireless or wired sync with Withings Health Mate App. Withings health application(app) is freely downloadable on your phones from iOS store or from Android play store. Single touch of a button on the cuff will activate the app automatically on the phone. Touch of a button on the phone will measure the blood pressure and pulse rate and upload it to the health mate app and on the HealthMate site. The application displays detailed results and recommended values. It has amazing technology with dual connectivity (wireless and wired), which will make monitoring blood pressure fun. For bluetooth transfer there are two other choices Omron BP786 and Omron BP761. However, for both these devices, bluetooth capabilities are limited with multiple issue. So, if you looking for Data Transfer features Withings would be the way to go.
It is highly accurate monitor with the deviation of ±3 mmHg or 2% of reading. It has clearance from FDA of USA and medically approved in Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
The cuff circumference is 9”- 17” and is suitable for most of the people. The cuff inflates automatically.
Ease of Use:
Withings wireless blood pressure monitor is the very simple and easy to use. Just slip on the cuff on your arm, turn the device on and the Withings Health Mate app is launched automatically. For accurate measurement, position your arm properly and you are ready to take your blood pressure.
- Color: The app provides the feedback of your readings in color (green, orange, red) as per the standards suggested by the National Health Institute. The color display helps to grasp the measurement easily.
- Dual connectivity: The device has dual connectivity. The device can be connected to your phones through Bluetooth. It has regular Bluetooth and Bluetooth low energy connectivity. In
addition, device can also be connected through your phone’s USB cable.
Additional Features:
The Withings Health Mate app stores all the readings of your blood pressure and sends it to the Withings Health cloud. The app points readings taken from time to time on the chart and display so that you can easily understand how you are doing on your blood pressure management.
- Multi User: The Withings blood pressure monitor can be configured for more than one person. A single tap on the user icon changes the user.
- Averaging: You can configure the monitor to take the reading one time or three times. It takes reading three times and provide average of all the three readings.
One more important feature is you can get all your readings on iPhone, Android phones, even on the dashboard of your PCs. It shows all the readings in comparison to normal readings set by the International Organization. The history of your readings is always available, because everything is backed up, no chance of losing any data.
You can even share your readings with your Doctors with an easy few clicks on your Smartphone. Thus, your doctor is updated about your readings and if any complications occurs, you can get treatment immediately.
The Withings blood pressure monitor does not come with carry case. It would have been better considering its portability.
Value for Money:
It is a expensive product. The price is for the technology. Once you start using, you will appreciate what it can do for you. It is convenient, easy to use, have great looks. If you are not short on budget, this is a product worth trying.
4 “AAA” alkaline cells. (inserted already)
12 months warranty.
- iOS 5.0 or higher devices
- Android 4.0 or higher
- Integrates well with Apple Health App
- Integration with Google Fit is underway
Note: App will work in Tablets; however it is not optimized for Tablets.
Withings App:
- Available in Google Play Store.
- Available in Apple Itunes.
- Languages available: French, English, German, Spanish, Italian
- Free and secure account
- The app is not specific to only blood pressure. The same app can also be used for Smart Body Analyzer, Activity Tracker and Wireless Scale.
Standard Box Contains:
- 1 Withings Wireless Blood Pressure Monitor
- 1 User Manual
- 4 “AAA” Alkaline Batteries (Already Inserted)
Withings launched this Blood Pressure Monitor in April 2014. Withings create smart products, their advanced technology enhances the usability of the products. The advanced features, the certifications, make Withings blood pressure monitor a very lifestyle friendly device. The Withings blood pressure monitor is not for everyone. If you can afford it, it is worth a try.
I have bought the steel watch and I am very happy with it. Then I bought the blood pressure meter and I am rather unhappy. It uses too much batterie power ( changed already 3 times) the sleeve is much too long and the weight is impossible compared to like Cardio. It also mostly only really works on the second or third attempt. Maybe sometime is wrong with my piece of equipment which I bought about some four weeks ago.
Best regards
Konstantin Thoeren
QuickFACTS: Due-diligence for this evaluation involved two nurses, one computer systems analysis, two sales reps at the local AppleSTORE, three different iPhone 6sPlus phones, and two different Galaxy 6s phones …all getting the same results from the Withings Blood Pressure Cuff, “…Measurement Failed!”
On January 11, 2017, we received a WITHINGS BLOOD PRESSURE CUFF replacement. Now 11 days later, counting the original purchase, both units failed to work as advertised! It takes between 8 and 15 attempts to get a reading!
How hard can this be? Rollup your sleeve, slide the cuff above the elbow with the battery cylinder toward your heart, sit-up straight with your elbow at a 90-degree angle, and do not move! The unit connects with Bluetooth OK, but only builds maximum pressure between 130-to-140. What good is a blood pressure cuff that does raise pressure high enough to obtain a reading?
We have tried, with NO success:
• Rotating between the left and right arm every 10-minutes with, 1) the cuff extremely tight, 2) a snug cuff, 3) a moderately loose cuff.
• Changed the batteries four times and tested each battery each time.
• Held the power switch down on the cuff battery pack for 30-seconds when starting as recommended by Withings customer service.
• Uninstalled and re-downloaded the iPhone app, and reinstalled it three times.
• Triple checked our iPhone and it works fine with other Bluetooth devices.
• Connecting to the iPhone 6sPlus through the USB adapter provided by Withings Made no difference.
To Withings credit, they exchanged the blood pressure cuff with another unit. However, what upsets us is that Withings refuses to refund our money for a product that, after trying two separate units, does not work! They should not be permitted to get away with gross miss-representing advertising!
Sidebar: On the same day that we returned the Blood Pressure Cuff, We also returned the Withings PLUS Ox Blood Oxygen Monitor. It does not work with the “hard” rubber finger adaptor, or, the “hard” rubber wristband that comes with the unit. The rubber adaptors are much too hard and thick to allow the Plus Ox get a reading through them!
I can no longer use my Blood Pressure monitor because it keeps telling me that my batteries are low even though I’ve replaced them with new ones four times. Support from Withings is half-hearted (no pun intended) and they can’t seem to give me an explanation. I’m moving on to another device and not looking back. This ones too much trouble just to get my needed blood pressure reading. Don’t waste your money on this junk!!!
Hi there. is this equipment compatible with S-Health program on Samsung S7 Edge?
many thanks
I have the original blood pressure monitor works just fine until Nokia took over. Now it is no longer sees my Withings blood pressure device. So we can go and buy a new… !???? No thanks and I make sure not to buy any Nokia product ever! Plus to influence everybody in my circles to know this about Nokia !!!
Can you add multiple users to the BP monitor? I have a group of 12 people
It seems that you can have multiple users on a single phone, but you cannot synch the device to more than one phone, period. Synch to a second phone (which takes forever) and you can no longer pair with the first one. Did you lose months of data? I did. Maybe this could have been avoided with a WARNING, or even an adequate HELP system.
After logging in each user once, you would have to pass a device running the app from one user to the next. (BTW, they would have to enter their email and associated password into your device. Their BPM data would be available to anyone running the app. How many users are comfortable with that?) EXECRABLE PROGRAMMING SPECIFICATION. My car has a Bluetooth device that synchs with any device that enters the car, albeit one at a time.
Assuming that the programming can be fixed, I’m still skeptical about the group setting. In the first place, it’s not clear that the BPM was designed for commercial/industrial use. In the second, compressed air stores a lot of energy–that has to come from the batteries. Using rechargeable batteries may address the problem.
This is my second one and the second one that has failed .. what junk and forget getting help from Nokia. Their response is to offer you 20% off a new one (which will work for one year like the others! )
Has the problem that caused the recall been fixed